Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Today is sentencing in the travesty of Justice they called his trial. Anyone who believes as I do that he is innocent please say a prayer for his family and him today. I am sure this will be overturned on appeal. If you can, visit this link and donate to his cause. You can also mail donations or letters of support to Mr. And Mrs Dyer, 5103 HOPE, Marlow, OK, 7305. God Bless and Godspeed Patriots


Charles Dyer aka July4Patriot was sentenced to 30 years today. His appeal was immediately granted. Contrary to what was reported by the local news his Mother did attend, and from a source close to the Dyer family as I understand Charles now has a group of layers from the Innocence Project working on his case. My heart goes out to Charles and his family, and I wish them the best through these troubled times, and Godspeed in his appeal.

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