Sunday, May 6, 2012

New Anti-Federalism,

It is my hope that over the course of this blog to present to you a recipe for Freedom, Liberty, and a Fair and Just society for all in this nation. The original Anti-Federalists called it a "Firm League of Friendship." Broken down it calls for mostly autonomous states, bound together by respect and mutual benefit. One in which the Federal government plays a decidedly smaller and far far less intrusive roll in yours and my daily lives. It is a system in which you can decide what is best for your neighborhood, and not have a bureaucrat a thousand or more miles away decide what is best for you.

But wait there are strings attached. That is right it requires work and diligence on your behalf. It requires that you are honest, honorable, and awake. You can not just vote for someone and say "I did my part", and then go back to sleep for two to four years. You must be actively involved in your system, and your representatives must know they work for you. You have to make it a priority to know what bills are before your representatives, and if they are voting to benefit you or not. If they are not looking out for what is in you and your areas best interest, you must make sure your fellow citizens know and something is done about it. Treason should never be taken lightly, whether it is from pushed from the outside, or brought from with in.

"No Taxation without Representation." These words were powerful, and the conviction behind them firm. Voter turn out in 2008 was 56.8% or just a hair over half of all eligible voters. With national apathy at essentially 50% it is no wonder we find ourselves where we are today.

I choose to stand on my own two feet. I choose to be responsible for myself, my actions, and my life. I do not need, nor do I want a nurse maid to guide my life. I am Free. I am an American, I am a New Anti Federalist.


  1. I'm looking forward to your future posts.


  2. This hould be good...

  3. I wish you good luck on your new blog. What I have read so far is a good start.
    I will do my part trying to be as honest, honorable, and awake as I can be.

  4. Good luck and I like the tone.
