Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Responsibilities of Protection part 1

When it comes time to rebuild our society from the ashes of our national complacency, I would like to purpose the following idea for your consideration. 

It is in my belief that a society based in and on personal responsibility will entail just that. It will mean doing things we may not want to, or would rather have someone else do. To begin, all citizens must be knowledgeable firearm owners. It should be more than a right, but a responsibility, one that is necessary of all. This I know is a slippery road as requirements for the common good all to easily, and inevitably in most cases fall into tyranny and tools of oppression. The demonization of the second amendment is proof of this. However, I believe that a society in which all are knowledgeable, and able to defend themselves, may counter act this problem.

As for the question of protection and enforcement with in society. I do not believe it should be a career. Instead it should be a appointment and/or a term of service that all must take in turn. Their should not be a salary, compensation maybe, but not a job with pay. Overview of all actions needs to be in the hands of the public, and not fellow enforcement officers. Just as representative government works best when one comes from the private sector, does a term of service, and returns to the private sector. So should the term in enforcement duties. Corruption is a cancer that knows all offices and positions. The best defense is a constant turn over of office holder, overseen by the public at large. So as corruption can not take or make too deep of a hold.

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